✏️Is Yoga Anti Ageing?

If yoga was dramatically anti ageing, something undeniably measurable and with guaranteed results for all, well, I’d be typing this from my retirement compound full of dogs with an ageing portrait of myself in the attic. However, there IS evidence that yoga in both its physical and philosophical forms does have some pretty positive impact…

Bob The Builder AKA How The Body Fixes Itself

Let’s talk about tissue healing, recovery from injury, and what that means to everyone, including movement enthusiasts. Tissue healing simply means the bodies regeneration and repair by replacing destroyed or damaged tissue with new living tissue. So what are these tissues of the body? They include fascia, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones and we cannot…

✏️Are You Receiving Rotten Physio Advice?

A large percentage of my private clients often find me originally with some sort of pain and injury after running the gamut of contradictory advice , money draining services and no change or improvement despite doing everything their physios say. That said, I work collaboratively with some fabulous physios and have even trained a couple…