✏️Soothing Somatic Solutions: A Roadmap to Relaxation?

Soothing Somatic Solutions: A Roadmap to Relaxation? Somatics has gone from being a tiny slice of the wellness cake to now being a considerable chunky wedge. The word “somatic” originates from the Greek word “sōma,” which means “body” and in general, “somatic” means “of the body.” In the context of somatic practices like somatic exercises…

✏️Music vs Silence- the eternal yoga class debate continues

To be clear, sound has a completely different relationship to yoga and rest…but playlists, tracks and tunes… what’s the nitty gritty? There are so many great conversations out there and personally I love that challenge to my own comfort and narrative as a teacher and practitioner. Here’s my flip flops on music as a key…

✏️NSDR (non sleep deep rest) & Savasana

Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, symbolises the ‘death’, end of the physical practice and the beginning of the deeper inward yoga practices. It is a foundational yoga posture that embodies the essence of non-sleep deep rest or NSDR. In this pose, practitioners lie down, allowing their bodies and minds to enter a guided tour…

So Should We Let Stuff In Or Block Stuff Out In Yoga?

Your yoga practice is a personal journey inwards, an interiorization. One concept connected to that is the inward turning of the mind and senses, pratyahara. It is often misunderstood as pushing away experiences and shutting the world out, forcing yourself into avoidance and isolation, believing this is true withdrawal. Kaya Mindlin poses a beautiful question…

Meditation, Meditative Or Mindful?

Yoga has been repackaged by the west to look luxe, aspirational and effortless but when it comes to meditation realities this image could not be more misleading and is why meditation can feel so difficult and full of disappointments. It is also often confused with mindfulness, seeing the words used interchangeably. Practicing mindfulness is bringing…

✏️Neutral Isn’t Neutral

Neutral isn’t a magical land where injury doesn’t occur. Neutral isn’t a unique zone where you are bulletproof and protected. Neutral isn’t a special place of safety where movement is executed perfectly. Neutral is not a rare sought after unicorn but it is absolutely a myth. Neutral simply cannot exist. If you accept our bodies…