If you’re experiencing pain or know someone who is, this message is for you. “Move for Soothe.”
It’s a simple yet powerful reminder that movement is key, especially when pain comes knocking or wants to overstay its welcome as a house guest.
When discomfort strikes, our instinct is often to stop moving, to freeze. But here’s the thing: that only feeds into a unhelpfulfear avoidance pattern, making matters worse in the long run. Research backs it up – staying active gradually suppresses pain systems and shields you from harm. It’s all about taking an active approach rather than a passive one but that dosn’t mean a gruelling workout regime or punishing and brutal activities.
So instead of relying solely on treatments like massage, opt for movement. It is well evidenced that it’s okay to feel some discomfort or even pain during movement. By doing so, you’re sending a powerful message to your body and brain: you’re strong, capable, in choice and ready to build a bridge with your body and brain to move in the direction you want.
Even in a system that’s overly protective, movement is your friend. Avoiding it only exacerbates the problem. Remember, the ‘risk’ of inactivity far outweighs the ‘risk’ of activity. So, even when pain rears its head, take small steps to gradually reintroduce gentle movement into your life. Don’t expect inactivity to magically fix everything – movement is key to reclaiming control and living life to the fullest.
Who do you know that this could help?