As things currently stand, there are no treatment protocols, exercise, programs, or yoga poses to prevent or treat paid efficiently and reliably. The current focus of physical and biomechanical, even medical, simply isn’t enough.
So what do we do?
Firstly, we need to recognise that exercise has multiple values, but we cannot claim in relation to pain that doing x results in an effective treatment for y.
Instead, we need to ask what adds value or is needed, necessary to the individual or ourselves? There are things we have to do, need to do, want to do in life whether they progress us in pain mitigation or progress us in life. How can we work towards these and take a naturally graded and gradual, almost stealthy approach? (I have a blog on pain ‘hangovers’ after exercise that fits with this idea)
Rehabilitation whether prescribed or you are just guiding yourself back to movement is all doing the same thing – reminding the brain, body and whole ecosystem that it’s safe to move again. Pain when returning to exercise is normal, you are just avoiding deliberately pushing and provoking it as a specific aim.
Pain is not processed by the part that hurts but constructed by the brain and the good news is that the brain is referred to as plastic, meaning changeable, adaptive.
Simply put, changing the brain changes pain.
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