Bob The Builder AKA How The Body Fixes Itself

Let’s talk about tissue healing, recovery from injury, and what that means to everyone, including movement enthusiasts. Tissue healing simply means the bodies regeneration and repair by replacing destroyed or damaged tissue with new living tissue. So what are these tissues of the body? They include fascia, tendons, muscles, ligaments and bones and we cannot…

✏️An Injured Yoga Teacher. Wait, Are We The Problem?

The practice isn’t the problem. In fact, the practice is the solution (not asana, the ‘other’ bit) We may actually be the problem… who recognises this arc either as your own journey or someone who know?     We start going to yoga classes. We go a LOT. Going to yoga defines us and we…

Is There A Treatment Protocol For Pain?

As things currently stand, there are no treatment protocols, exercise, programs, or yoga poses to prevent or treat paid efficiently and reliably. The current focus of physical and biomechanical, even medical, simply isn’t enough. So what do we do? Firstly, we need to recognise that exercise has multiple values, but we cannot claim in relation…

✏️Hangovers. Why Pain After Exercise Isn’t Harming You or Your Injury Recovery

When recovering from an injury it is common to experience pain or discomfort after exercise. Infact it is somewhat expected and in the majority of cases it is no cause for alarm. We can think of this aggravation to the existing injury as a hangover. While the discomfort might be unpleasant, it is typically temporary…

Recovery From Injury Feeling Like One Step Forward, One Step Back?

Recovery from an injury can be like a game of Snakes and Ladders. Each step forward in the recovery process is like climbing a ladder, bringing you closer to healing and regaining your strength. However, just as in the game, there may be setbacks or unexpected challenges represented by the snakes. These setbacks can take…