So what is solid, what do we know for sure when working with people in pain?
Pain changes how we move.
Changing the brain changes pain.
Pain changes affect how we feel.
I teach yoga teachers & personal trainers how to coach for this. We can start with a few pointers:
A lot of rehab/returning to sports/asana/movement should focus on reminding the body and brain its safe to move, even if it hurts.
A little is ok, provoking and pushing through is not.
Why? Because changing the NS/brain changes pain.
Input and memory matter.
For yoga teachers you are in a great position with a foundation in breathwork, nervous system work and probably most importantly the philosophy to work with people in discomfort. But please don’t suggest posi vibes.
Want to know how? Learn with me.
Normal exercise focuses on reps, sets, ROM, time, weight, strength, increase, control, isolation. You need different stuff if taming your own pain or are wanting to explain pain to clients.
(Similarly in yoga, focus is often full expression or where your practice used to be/feel pre pain or injury)
Yoga can be a helpful friend to move us towards comfort in being right here, right now but not in the format most teachers are currently familiar with.