4 ideas for freshening up a set yoga sequence without changing a thing.
1️⃣Try adding the concept of ‘up and down’. In every shape invite the option to explore reaching up an inch, reaching down an inch and feel into what they prefer, the qualities that both have and give to the shape and being in choice over the experience. Triangle is a good example- now how would you weave it into other poses or where else would you include it in the sequence?
2️⃣You could also give the option of ‘hands to head’ in the familiar poses (such as warrior two with the hands on top of the head or shoulders as an option) Encourage enquiry such as what we notice here; is there a shift into what we feel? Then offer it throughout the practice as a sensory change.
3️⃣Practice the pause. Mind the gap.
Allow people to get comfortable with gaps, silence, pause, suspension. What’s in the pose? Physical irritation? Does something need to be different? Is it a tool that we are comfortable using or is that not working out so much in this pose? Whats in the gaps? Discover the bits inbetween. The presense, what’s tugging on our mind and stopping us from being in this pose? A gentle way to get comfortable with the other elements of yoga within the safe parameters of a known sequence.
4️⃣Finally you could try the concept of seen and unseen, visible and invisible Yoga. Visible Yoga being in the shapes and invisible yoga being the thoughts, the philosophy, the breath, Savasana.
Woven throughout the practice we can enquire how is the visible Yoga, how is the invisible Yoga and look at how and where both are showing up. Perhaps even pursuing the visible Yoga more at the start of class to find a way towards the more invisible Yoga as the poses slow, become more introspective and even stop in relaxation or try weaving seen and unseen enquiries into many shapes.
Nothing has to change in your sequence. These are just ideas, intentions, shifts. They help you find the fresh in the familiar. They help you find the yoga within and beyond the shape. Philosophy in action- without the drudge, stigma or yawns.
Let me know how you get on!
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